Sunday, August 19, 2012

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Then valiant Knights, also annihilated. Appears in the military, they can still rely on a person only Haig Elohim.
His Majesty the Emperor of this deeply regrets the fact, from early times, His Majesty will Kaao Qi Kingdom of the military establishment, had a great anxiety. The Ka Aoqi Kingdom armed forces since ancient times less focus on hereditary status to any one who can afford may be appointed to senior officers. Kaao Qi army's combat effectiveness of the Kingdom of always in on other countries, but the army's combat effectiveness of strong, does not mean that to be able to win the war.
History has proved that the balance of victory in the war often zoned to those who are good and effective use of limited resources of their own hands, good at combat in mind people. However, this often does not appear in countries with powerful military strength.
Now facing this dilemma, the military strength of the Ka Aoqi Kingdom undeniable, indeed the world's most powerful, but the whole army, though not a lack of strength of high strength, strong knight of the martial arts intensive, and fencing skills. ability superior swordsman, countries,low price basketball shoes, of military personnel to assess their own ability to master more than a strong force to assess the position he should have the army, but rather the lack of able to command the commanding officers of these distinguished knights and excellent soldiers, this the species can often not be able to achieve their rightful place, and most cases such a person, his mind is always more than four limbs are much more effective. strength in this everyone on behalf of all Kaao Qi Kingdom, such a person always can not emerge Jinbi own quite clear all of this, many sages same the Jinbi Kaao Qi Kingdom already recognize this, but no one to find the answer to solve this problem for which the only good solution is, by virtue of his eyes, from those unknown soldiers find so few useful, focus on training. However, this method, the probability of success it is too low.
His Majesty the Emperor for this problem they are facing a headache, but the case must give the front of the three brain does not turn the guy, the solution to the doubts harbored by the job, or else these stupid also kept in there too blind to such information to worry about. His Majesty the Emperor said: He glanced at it three doubtingly the face, said: deployments, and Ledeen Kingdom in Vader Intrinsic years of operation, and she wants to get rid of the track, into the Suofei En Embassy of the Kingdom, it is a fairly easy thing, but the Her Royal Highness Princess obviously want to cause us to everyone's attention, she through a variety of methods, almost changed the entire Vader Trask has certainly achieved the effect that she needs, I piled up the intelligence, all from separate intelligence agencies, I have never received simultaneously so the number of the report. I think, if the Princess Royal Highness is not an ulterior motive, then, in any case will not do that. This

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